Digestive Health

Probiotics Everywhere - What To Really Look For!

At the end of last year I did a talk to local Holistic Nutritionists and it was mentioned that one of the top trends of 2017 was going to be probiotics. Not just those good gut bugs in general, but adding them to all different types of foods. So I was curious to see what the commercial industry was going to come up with next. What I am seeing lately is probiotics in orange juice! FYI - probiotics are not naturally found in juice. To see a benefit you also want a lot more than the 1 billion found in that cup of juice they are marketing. 

Better ways than this to get your probiotics :)

Better ways than this to get your probiotics :)

I want to shed a little light on probiotics so you have a little more information when those marketing gurus try to direct their product your way. 

Benefits of probiotics:

There are so many strains of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that reside mostly in the large intestine of your gut. More and more research is coming out showing the importance of probiotics on a wide variety of conditions, including all digestive disorders, immune health, anxiety, skin health and even weight loss. In Naturopathic Medicine research is trying to get even more specific in terms of subtypes of strains to treat even more individually. In my practice I prescribe either specific probiotic strains or higher doses of probiotics - 11 billion, 50 billion or even up to 300 billion for issues such as crohns and colitis. Once we have established a healthy community of those good bugs the focus then turns more to food forms of probiotics. These would be naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yogurt or even sourdough. Naturally fermented I say...not orange juice.  

What to look for:

While I am not saying a little fresh juice is bad, it is actually quite delicious at times, it just shouldn't be your primary way of getting probiotics. Therefore when companies claim their products contain probiotics, ask yourself if it is a naturally fermented food and how many billion are actually in a serving. Focus on adding a tbsp or two of naturally fermented foods as mentioned above to your meals, or for a higher dose look for a probiotic containing 10 billion or more with more than 2 strains. 

If you are having digestive concerns that don't seem to be improving with over the counter probiotics or fermented foods consider coming in for a visit to discuss a more specific treatment plan for you! I am always happy to help. 

In health & happiness, 

Dr. Karen 

Time for a little Spring Cleaning

Do you feel as if your bucket is starting to overflow? Are symptoms such as fatigue, skin issues, bloating, chronic pain and mental fog starting to creep up on you? It may be time for you to do a little spring cleaning! 

Spring is a great time to dust off the cob webs of not only our home but our bodies as well. In Chinese Medicine, spring is the time of the liver and the liver is the main organ focused on detoxification. When working properly it helps to filter through our blood and eliminate what isn’t needed or toxic to our body. Therefore we not only have to limit what we expose ourselves to but provide the body with proper nutrients to work optimally. We have all heard the saying “we are what we eat” and that rings very true here. We cannot expect our bodies to feel vibrant and healthy if we feed it sugar and other nutrient poor foods all the time. 

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” - Michael Pollen

The Bucket Theory

If you think of your body as a bucket, when we are born we have an empty bucket - a clean slate. We then get exposed to many things that fill up that bucket and unfortunately modern lifestyle and eating habits expose us to so much more than our bodies are able to handle. This may be stress, unhealthy food, environmental toxins and chemicals, prescription medication, smoking, too much coffee or alcohol. If we are not careful over time our bucket overflows and symptoms occur. This could be high blood pressure, headaches, diabetes, bloating, weight gain, chronic fatigue…you name it. Instead of suppressing these symptoms and jamming it all down, we want to optimize proper elimination and detoxification to create an ebb and flow in the bucket, preventing it from overflowing! We do this by eating nourishing whole foods and focusing on liver and digestive health. It isn’t complicated and when provided with the right tools it isn’t hard! 

When provided with the right tools emptying your bucket can easily be done.

That is where I come in. Every spring I offer a Cleanse, using real food and no fancy footwear, to help bring you back (or at least closer) to your clean symptom free self. I offer tools and resources to show you how to optimize your health with nutritious foods. This year it is a 10-Day Cleanse, from April 26th-May 5th, and all accessible online. No need to change out of our your pyjamas to get started on your health journey. 

What’s all included:

  • 10 Day Spring Cleanse package with details, meal plan & delicious recipes - emailed to you prior to Spring Cleanse start date
  • Video How To's from my kitchen emailed to you throughout the Spring Cleanse to support the program and inspire you in the kitchen
  • Access to the Facebook support group
  • 2 Online Q&A sessions with Dr. Karen - April 23rd & 30th
  • Optional - Detox-Pro supplement to support cleanse (purchased through my online dispensary on Fullscript)

Want to feel your best this spring? Then what are you waiting for! Join me for a little food fun. 😃 Sign up below to reserve your spot. 

In health & happiness,

Dr. Karen

My Daily Detox Habits


Happy New Year!! Well, the first few days of 2017 have been pretty beautiful here in Nova Scotia with the sun shining and good vibes flowing! I hope everyone had a wondering holiday and looking forward to the year to come.

As I am sure I am not alone, I did do a little indulging over the holidays. I can never turn down my Mom’s christmas cookies and champagne with my family. However, I did not have any food guilt about these choices as I made sure to do some daily detox rituals while on vacation, then amped them up after the holidays were over, especially on January 1st. These detox habits are part of my daily routine, are not time consuming and make me feel my best! I wanted to share the mains ones with you to start you off on the right foot for 2017! I will be doing a talk downtown on February 1st, at the Four Points Sheraton, on my daily detox habits so be sure to look for more information about that coming soon.  

My Daily Detox Habits:

  1. Drink Lots of Water - Every morning I drink a full glass of water as soon as I wake up, followed by a mug of warm water with lemon before breakfast. Water is vital to every cell in our body. We are even made of 60% water. Without it we can feel dehydrated, dry, fatigued and possibly leave us with a headache or other aches and pains. Water helps to turn on our digestive juices in the morning, especially with added lemon or apple cider vinegar, cleanse us of stagnant toxins accumulated over the day and ultimately wake up our skin and body. I probably drink about 3 litres in a day, but don’t necessary keep track. There are apps now to help remind you to drink water, including growing a garden for yourself if you are drinking enough :)

  2. Eat something green - It is now just habit to eat something green everyday. I usually have lots of fresh leafy greens in my fridge or already prepped to eat in a mixed salad or stew. On New Years Day I amped it up and had a tropical green smoothie as well as a delicious kale salad with beets and carrots. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, arugula, swiss chard and cruciferous veggies, such as cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli, are full of detoxing enzymes and nutrients to support your liver and kidney. Broccoli sprouts are a super food when it comes to liver health and are so easy to grow yourself.

  3. Exercise - I try to do some kind of exercise everyday to get my blood moving and me sweating. Both of these bodily functions are vital to detoxification. It could be a 20 minute walk, an at home workout, or a hot yoga class - my favourite! You can start small, but I promise you will feel the benefits very quickly. Try out apps such as Nike+ Training, MapMyRun or YogaStudio for at home workouts or programs with YogaWithAdriene, Evolve Fitness or Shanti Hot Yoga. 

  4. Breathing - Breathing is another innate detoxification function of our lungs and something I am mindful of everyday. Meditating every morning with my Calm app gets me in the groove to continue to take deep breaths throughout the day. I recommend setting out at least 5 minutes 2x/day to focus on your breath and be thankful for this detoxification process of your lungs!

  5. Dry skin brushing - Before I jump in the shower I use by handy dry skin brush to stimulate lymphatic flow, a system that helps rid the body of toxins and waste, and slough off dead skin. Brushing towards the heart in a circular motion is key as this is the direction of lymph flow. It takes me an extra two minutes while waiting for the shower to warm up. You can find dry skin brushes at most health stores or online. 


Bonus Habit!

Sauna Nova Scotia.jpg
  • Sauna’s - I just recently heard of Sauna Nova Scotia, which is a mobile wood fired sauna set up on Windsor St at the moment for your detox pleasure. I will be trying it out on Wednesday and likely making it a new habit. I will keep you posted via Social Media. 


There you have it, my daily detox rituals, which are easy, make me feel my best and can do the same for you!

Looking for more tips on how to feel your best in 2017? I offer free 15 minute consults for new patients to discover how Naturopathic Medicine and I can best help you (check out your Naturopathic Visit to see all the conditions I address in my practice). Also be sure to check out my Detox Talk on February 1st downtown (more info to come).

In health & happiness,

Dr. Karen 

ps. Some popular posts in the past that might peak your interest - 3 Natural Ways to Improve Digestion, Anxiety - 6 Ways to Conquer Your Mind

Food Friday: Immune Boosting Smoothie

Whenever I feel a little run down or my body is trying to fight something off, I get out my handy blender and whip up this concoction to boost my immune system. Last weekend, it did the trick (I actually made it 3 times!). This smoothie is packed full of vitamin C from the pineapple, orange and lemon. Pineapple also aids in digestion and by now we know that 70% of our immune system resides in our gut. Ginger helps to boost our immune system as well with its diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, the cayenne adds a little more punch and works as an anti-microbial and gets your blood moving. You could even throw some turmeric powder in there as well to combat inflammation. So try this out next time you are feeling a little run down and remember to take your vitamin D and your favourite cold busting formula as well. 

Pineapple Orange Immune Boosting Smoothie:

  • 1/2 cup 100% pineapple juice (or frozen pineapple) 
  • 1 small/medium orange, peeled
  • 1 small nob ginger (to taste - I like mine spicy so I know it is working!)
  • juice of 1/2 lemon 
  • pinch of cayenne
  • 2-3 ice cubes (if prefer cold) 

Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender and enjoy! Feel the powers of food working to fight off any colds & flus. 

Need a little extra support for your immune system? I'd be happy to meet with you to discuss other options to help you feel your best. Check out Get In Touch to send me a message or learn about my free 15 minute complimentary consults. 

In health & happiness,

Dr. Karen 

(This recipe was adapted from OhSheGlows.)